By Steve VanWilliams |
Your child is over weight, what do you do? Children follow by example.
If YOU are overweight, out of shape, lethargic, chance are your kids
will be to. So take charge and take care of yourself. Set a great
example. If YOU are overweight get to it. As far as our children
encourage them! A few minutes here and there of play adds up! The same
goes for you! Children (and adults) need exercise EVERYDAY. Don’t be
easy on your self or your kids. We live in such a politcally correct
world these days, we never want to OFFEND people. GARBAGE! To many
people are excepting of being a “few” pounds overweight! Don’t kid
your-self! (No pun intended) If you are fat, YOU ARE FAT! Look in the
mirror. A few pounds means just that. 1 -5lbs. But 10, 20 , 30+, YOU
ARE FAT! Its not healthy and do except being less than you really can
be. Everyone wants the best for their children, so be your best as well.
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