By Steve VanWilliams |
The fountain of youth! People have searched for it for 1,000 years maybe
more. That would be great, drink a glass and stay young for ever.
Unfortunately people have been trying to sell this for decades. Even
more so today. Every day you will see 1,000's of ads for a pill, or
potion. The truth is you can find the fountain. Oh, yes there is a
fountain and you can find it if you look in the right place. To find the
fountain of youth you have to look deep inside yourself. You have to go
inside your mind and will your body to change! Yes that is where the
fountain is! Its in you me everyone can find it. You may never be able
to change your chronological age, but you can definitely change your
biological age...Or at least the way you look and more importantly feel!
Exercise daily, relax do not stress so much, eat healthy and move, is a
good way to start your journey to finding the fountain of youth.
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