Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Tally Me Banana

By Lisa VanWilliams

We eat them every morning in a smoothie. They are easy to grab and go with because they have no preparation and they travel well -just peel and eat!  They are a great snack for the kids, they are easy to take on a hike in the woods, and they provide a great energy boost during a long run or bicycle ride.

The long yellow sweet tasting fruit is a good carb that can provide a whole days worth of potassium in one shot. They are grown in estimated 107 countries and they are a main food crop for the world. For many third world countries, bananas are a crucial staple that gets them through the "hunger season".

What makes them good for you? They are packed with vitamin B6, vitamin C, manganese, fiber, and potassium.

  • potassium helps maintain blood pressure & heart function
  • promotes bone health
  • great to eat if you have ulcers -soothing
  • alleviates water retention and bloating
  • acts as a binder to digestive system
  • helps to build healthier bones
  • promotes kidney health
  • supports muscle maintenance

You can eat them straight, try them in a fruit smoothie, or add them to your peanut butter sandwich for a new twist. There are numerous ideas and recipes out there to satisfy all types from the infant to the elderly.  It's a fruit everyone can enjoy.  

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